I was always against it and never thought I would do it up until the day I had my daughter. Even in the hospital she wouldn't sleep unless I was holding her so since day one she's been in bed with me, slowly transitioning to having to sleep on my chest to snuggling with me and now she sleeps on her own side of the bed next to me. I'm too paranoid to put her in her own bed in her own room, I still wake up constantly to make sure she's still breathing so I can't not have her next to me yet.
Every child is different. Some sleep better on their own, some sleep better with cuddles. Just like adults. Don't listen to people who try to tell you how to run your family. I don't even like to associate with people like that which is why I don't speak to half of my family members and I'm just fine with that.
I'm actually going to try the co sleeping thing tonight :) I've seen several people post positive things about it, and I love having my son so close to me. wish me luck!
I just stopped bed sharing with my little one I only did for a month and I loved it but now that he's sleeping through the whole night without a problem I've been putting him in his bed.
Brush it off! I have people down my back about my 2 yr old still bed sharing with me and my husband! It's even worse when I tell them I plan on bed sharing tell my 2 yr old is about 5 and I plan on bed sharing with baby #2 also!