been feeling down for a while i never felt much movement to start with and now i feel nothing at all but I've managed to keep it together until today i was supposed to be seeing my consultant about being induced and she didn't turn up i just lost it and got really upset they started filling in these mental health refferal papers and gave me antidepressants will anything happen when my baby is born now because of this? :(

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oh i guess I'm just a worrier , i hope so. thank you x
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Depression is common during pregnancy because of the hormone changes. Chances are your hormones will regulate after baby is here and you won't need any medication in the future. So I really wouldn't worry about it. I had depression in the past, for 2 years I was medicated. And I asked my midwife upfront if it would make people view me with cause for concern and she said No. She said that all she asks is that I keep her up to date on how I feel throughout my pregnancy and when I was having a shit time at work, she agreed going on maternity at 33 weeks instead of 35 was better for my mental health. X
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you thats reasurring i was just worried they would think I'm not capable of looking after him because I'm struggling with the depression and taking these tablets xx
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jayden19, exactly x
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
The reason you acted like you did was because you love your baby and worried he/she is OK plus your hormones are everywhere nobody can take your baby away for kicking off because of the love and concern u have for it xx
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Do you mean are you worried that they'll take baby off you or judge you etc? Answer is No. My aunt has bipolar. She has support and medication which she takes regularly. Her 5 children are all fed, dressed and attend school/nursery regularly so no one has any reason to think she can't cope. She has bad days, obviously, but the kids are fine. They're well loved and looked after. Her partner is there and she knows she has support when needed. So no, no one will take your baby from you. No one has the right to judge you. Just make sure you tell your midwife everything you feel, every time you are worried or upset. She will pass it all to the health visitor when they take over your care after baby is here. Health visitors can become like a best friend. My aunt relied on hers a lot after she had her twins and she swears without her health visitor she wouldn't have survived her first year with the twins x
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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