I get it, we're all anxious to finally hold our babies, to no longer be pregnant and to have the aches and pains go away. That being said, I am shocked by the amount of women rushing into delivering their babies at early term using ridiculous methods. Your babies are not ready yet. You are not full term!! If you spent half as much time researching how important a full term baby is, as you do researching ways to induce labor you wouldn't even think about it. I'm expecting twins and one of my biggest fears is having babies who are born too early, it's terrifying. I can't understand why so many women can't be more patient. It isn't about you. It's about the health of your unborn child. Obviously I am aware that there are reasons beyond our control that early induction has to happen, I'm not talking about that. Stop putting your unborn child at risk because you're too selfish and/or impatient to wait.
I wouldn't be able to handle it, but you have to do what you have to do. I am just thankful my boys didn't. I was definitely blessed!! as you will be!!!
exactly!!! I met one mommy who never planned on it and it crushed her, so that was the only advice she gave me. her twins are in think 3 now and doing well also!
that's all you really can do! I was always told plan on the NICU that way if it does happen your prepared but if it doesn't your prepared either way! I know you'll make it hun!
@twinmamma2015, I love how dedicated you were to the pregnancy. I do my best with healthy eating, protein shakes and vitamins and I have all the faith in the world that I am capable of carrying these babies to 38 weeks.
well they were small babies for our family lol but they're more than making up for it! haha!! I took lots of vitamins and protein shakes! I was religious about them!
@wrd2016, I wouldn't know if it's easier or harder. With my induction labor was 27 hours. But I have friends induced at full term that had their babies in 4 hours. It's hard to know.
@ash1987, I bet you have had such a hard time relaxing through this pregnancy. You poor thing, I can't even imagine that. You're almost there now. That's amazing how far along you made it this time!!
@twinmamma2015, Your story makes me feel so much better. I always hear scary stories with twins. I love that they were so healthy and good to go home when you did. That's all I want for mine. Any other outcome would be heartbreaking. I love chunky babies, my firstborn was a little bird when he was born and still is. I never got the chunky with him. Maybe these boys will be as healthy as yours are!! Fingers crossed!
uhh I hope so too, I really don't want to be induced, but I don't want her daddy to miss it either, I've heard induction is so much worse than waiting to go on your own.. but thank you :)