are there any moms out there who found out their baby's father likes to secretly pleasure himself with porn and never has sex with you? or complains he's too tired? I just feel like a fat slob already and idk how I'm supposed to feel sexy when he'd rather fuck himself??
@myliltadpole1116, thank you very much. its nice to get an inside on other moms and women who go through some of the same issues I am. 😊 makes me feel like I'm not alone.
@heaven551, I so understand where your at. I've been with mine for 7 years now and unfortunately it never gets easy but if you don't feel like u love him the way u used to that's something that needs to be respected because you don't owe him anything . You deserve to be happy and to be the best mom you can be to your two little ones. I hope it all works out for you too Hun and try to remember there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it feels like a really really long tunnel.
I'm ok for now, but we've been fighting an uphill battle for 3+ years. we have a 1 year old son and a daughter due in 6 weeks! I honestly don't feel like I'm in love anymore. but he doesn't seem to get that and I understand he doesn't want to break up his family. I just don't feel love where it once was. and I'm not gonna stop him seeing the kids. its just hard when your heart feels one way but you know you should do otherwise. @myliltadpole1116 I hope you work things out 💜😁
Thank you . And no I don't really think I am it just makes me feel like poop lol. I'm surprised I've handled it so well. I was too calm when I woke him at 3am because I couldn't stare at him sleeping so peacefully anymore. As moms we have to do what's best for our little ones no matter what our hearts want and I have a fear that's exactly what is happening. But I'm going to give this my best shot and as long as he does too then we'll be okay otherwise, I know I can do better.. But he is my other half. I am sorry to hear that ur man is doing similar to you. How are u holding up?@heaven551
I understand. its not something that men take into consideration when they do it, because they have sexual needs that have to be taken care of!?! yeah I say bs to that! but they also don't think of how it makes us feel, and were already semi depressed because we have a huge baby growing in side us. we already feel like blimps and to add more stress really isn't fair? but they say "its always about you" when in fact we are the ones left to the side burner. but sorry about your situation, that must be rough. idk how I would of handled it myself. youre not a pos by any means. so don't think that way! @myliltadpole1116,
Found out that she's been doing that and paying for some chick on whatsapp for months. I feel like a p.o.s. Even tho it's got nothing to do with me. Also found out ..(snooping) that he's been experimenting. Which is fine but it would have been nice for him to trust me enough to say how he felt.. I'm not sure how to feel anymore because he's depressed on top of all of it .. Sorry for the rant . All these emotions are burning my stomach inside out
@izzysmommy1003, I used to not care either, but its just annoying that's he'd rather watch another chick fuck herself than the real thing!?! and he knows how I feel about all aspects of the situation. bit he still don't care! @kristandley I try to initiate sex but he always has am excise as to why not, but as soon as I pull out the fish Net's he's about it but can't last long. so there's no point in it for me anymore.
@heaven551, I know! I used to not care if he watched porn as long as he didn't try to hide it from me! but once I started getting bigger he started hiding it. my first and second trimester i didnt want sex but my third I always want it!
Mine did when I was pregnant.. At night I would wake up to him watching it and I didn't care I would make it known I was awake and tell him off. I don't like that stuff and I literally would kick him and tell him to stop. He doesn't do it anymore for a few months now😊
@gypsy.soul2, I have toys but I just see no point in it anymore...sadly. @kristandley its shitty to feel like a total cow and then not to even feel unwanted by the man whose supposed to love you and make love to you when he'd rather hot it and quit it like a side chick or something?? and then to pleasure yourself behind my back makes me feel even worse!
mine doesn't. so I think I'm done with sex. I don't want to be used as a sex toy. especially if I get no satisfaction from it. we don't even make love anymore, its just a quick screw and I'm left hanging, like blue balls for guys bit the female version! its not worth it anymore....😥
My was and than he told me was doing it Bc when he wanted sex it was to late. And than he said would stop n he did n went back to having sex like normal.