What does everyone think about getting babys ears pierced? I wanna take my little girl end of this month! She will be 5 months! But don't want people to look at me wrongly xx

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in my opinion it's wrong. why would you want to put your baby through pain just for an accessory? It's cruel =\ If my children decide they want them done when they are older that's fine but I won't choose for them, and that's coming from someone who loves piercings. It's not your body, its your child's
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had my first daughters done a 6 months.
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have a friend that got her daughters done at that age :) It is a lot more common than you think. I think some places the baby has to be 6months+ though :) It is totally up to you :) Personally I would wait until my child was older and they could let me know if they wanted their ears pierced or not. My mum got mine and my sisters done when we were babies and now I don't wear earings in my lobes at all but I do have 2 cartilage piercings :) x
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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