Ceri Davis
Ceri Davis
hi all... Im 27 weeks today due on April 5th, and i ive got a strange feeling that me being pregnant isnt real? and that its not going to happen.. I keep thinking that something could go wrong between now and then... its hard to explain the feeling, i dont know if im being paranoid or if it hasnt hit me yet. ive got everything ready, sometimes i feel strange looking at baby items to buy because it doesnt feel real, am i the only one who feels like this? x

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you have just summed up how I am feeling and no husband says I shouldnt be negative xx my first baby but had a miscarriage in April xx
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
thanks for the replies... and yeah this will be my first, its just a strange feeling that it wont happen. i cant even imagine myself giving birth, when i feel him moving i dont even tell my partner anymore because hes tried watching or feeling for movement in the past and the baby seems to stop everytime, so i feel like he thinks im lying about it. I know its definately moving because ive started to see my belly moving from the outside now. if people ask me anything about the pregnancy i cant help but brush the conversation off because it makes me feel embarrassed. I wont wear anything other than hoodies to try and hide what bump i have, i just dont know whats wrong with me lol. My mum said i should be enjoying it but i dont feel joyful at all i feel unsure and worried that something might go wrong xx
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I guess its normal to think this way when you having ur first one, I am in my 25 weeks and hes due on 15th April. I do feel the same thing, fear is constant. won't blv I dont even look at babies stuff as of now, buying is still no where near 😞 coz of superstitious family memebers .. and top of that there are few days when I dont feel pregnant at all 😕 but night defo reminds me that I am carrying a nugget inside me.. 😄 Hope we all feel real when we meet are miracles .. 😊😊😊
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
in the same and I'm almost 27 weeks my boy due on 9th april. im sure its normal to feel this way especially with it being my first! but i know what u mean u just want them here just now safe and sound xx
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm only about 12 wks and I feel the same hun even though I'm excited and looking forward to the future I don't "feel" pregnant I think when I get a proper bump it will seem more real but like mentioned above I guess until baby is here it's not going to seem 100% real. keep going girly things can only get better :) x
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Also If I go into a shop and look at baby things...I get kinda embarressed 😶 Now I have a bump so its not as bad...but I use to feel silly for looking at things...also people use to look at me weirdly x
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm pregnant with my first...and it still hasn't hit me! I also don't feel pregnant because I don't feel like any changes have been made to my body since becoming pregnant...To be honest never expected pregnancy to be like could say I have had it easy compared to other women. I don't think it will become reality until I have my baby in my arms x I'm 35+4 xD x
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Your first I take it? I remember not wanting to get anything for my first incase I jinxed it but my daughter did arrive safe and well the day she was due, the bigger you get the more real it will be Hun x
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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