My poor little girl has been super congested and can barely breath. I've tried saline drops and breast milk in her little nose and sucked out everything I could but is still having trouble breathing. Any mommies out there have any tips? I'm gonna get a humidifier to see if that'll help since it's cold here and the heater has been up so it's kind of dry inside.
thank you @mamiof2boys I will have to try that as well. I'm going to take a warm bath with her tonight to try and break up some of the mucus then will try that as well before bed.
@mamiof2boys, is Vicks safe to use on a 3 month old?
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Poor baby what I did for my son was I mix of Vicks with lotion I rub it on his feet and his back and chest and I put a little bit of Vicks his little nose and cover him really good and gave him Tylenol 2 to 3 days he was already fine so maybe that could help for you