does anyone else have two month old teething babies? the doctor keeps saying that he's too young but he has two raised spots on his gums where teeth are getting ready to come through as well as one already punctured through a bit.
@teamjayce2015, he's sleeping right now I'll try to get a picture at his next feeding around two i have one of the raised spots on bottom but it isn't very clear.
That's bullshit ! You know your child not the damn dr . I wish someone would tell me if make my baby a wimp by holding her . Don't listen to him girl you know what's up so screw him . I hate medical personnel that think they're higher than anyone
@_akgirl, @athenas_mommy it would just start a fight I've reached a point of realizing apparently I don't know anything about my son and his daddy is the only person who does so I've stopped saying anything anymore he didn't ever want me holding Jackson when he was smaller because apparently it was going to turn him into a wimp so now when I try to he doesn't want me and cries until I put him back down I was dissected pretty much to give him life but apparently I know nothing about him :(
wow. I'm sorry. the minute those teeth cut I'd take a picture and send it to both of them and say suck it!! lol. but I'm a little passive aggressive like that.
@aidensmom21, he's getting his left canine on top two bottom teeth at the same time he's always crying and fussy if I try to hold him he starts screaming so loud all he wants is to sleep now and I'm lucky if I can get him to eat 20 ounces of food a day and he usually eats 25-30 ounces it upsets me so bad
@athenas_mommy, @_akgirl my husband doesn't believe me and his doctor said he's too small and that I don't know what I'm talking about his doctor is a sexist douchebag who hates women so he only listens to my husband when we go up there but he's the only one that his insurance covers in our area.