ok question. 1st. how old was your baby when they started to sleep through the night?
2nd I put my baby in her sleeper for half the night then when she wakes up to nurse I cosleep with her. when if you cosleep stopped? Tia.

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my daughter slept through the night at a month old but she was eating more then most babies and she was gaining weight well she never dropped... so my Dr said as long as she kept it up her gaining I didn't have to wake her which I didnt. I did wake her though to change her diaper because I donr tolerate dirty diapers to long. and I coslept since she was 2 weeks and will continue use to be against it but I can't be without her now.
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
ok. I like that. I feel comfortable with that more. kinda where I am at. I like her close to me. I just don't want her getting too use to it to where I am regretting it later on
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@sjmom you can also try dream feeding. where you feed the baby without waking them, burp them & lay them back down. they'll sleep for another 4-6 hours (or longer). that's what I did with mine. it is hard transitioning with a baby, at first I would only let him sleep on me. I was terrified to let him sleep in his sleeper. then after I got used to the sleeper, it was even more terrifying to let him sleep in his crib. lol -ftm probs I guess!
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
thanks @lovemyson_610 . I guess I just worry about her. yeah for 10th it's usually only once a night but I guess I jump thr gun because I am worried she will wake my husband when he has work in the am
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
aww they're both born on the 10th :) but as long as she hasn't had any problems gaining weight, you don't have to wake up them up to feed anytime past 2 weeks old. it was so exhausting waking up every few hours to feed! @sjmom
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
ok thanks her pediatrician told me not to let her go past 4 hours but my mil says her kids were sleeping through the night. so whenever she starts to stir I get her up to nurse but I am not sure I should be. she is going to be 3 months on the tenth
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son started sleeping thru the night, only waking up to eat one time, at 2 months old. He has been sleeping thru the night without waking up at all since he was 6 months old.I didn't cosleep on a regular basis, but I still do it some - he'll be 7 months on Sunday.
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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