"Birth can be tough my darling but so are you" I LOVE this. we were made to give birth it makes me sad that people are so quick to medicate themselves with epidurals or schedule a c-section cause its easier I also no c-section happy Dr's cause its better for them, don't get me wrong all birth is birth and i know in some cases these things are necessary but if its not medically needed why do it? natural is ultimately best for you and baby plus once you have one medical intervention it leads to a bunch more. And I can't stand when women who are having a perfectly healthy pregnancy say at 36-38weeks "I really want to be induced will my Dr do it?" baby's aren't over due til 40-42 weeks personally I'd try to naturally induce by 40weeks if she doesnt come on her own because of the risk of her having a bowl movement but I don't think you should get induced before 40weeks unless medically necessary its best for baby. why are we as women so scared to do what nature designed us to do? it doesn't make sense to me..

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lol true it's scary I have mini panic attacks about it sometimes but it will be worth it😊
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
oh okay lol yeah I'm due the 17th but like I said I don't want her daddy to miss it so we are planning on the 15th or 16th which isn't too bad :) now I just have to get over being terrified lol
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I just updated it lol I forgot to do it a couple weeks ago! 😊 @wrd2016
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
no they changed my due date to the 17th 😊
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
that makes since! and I was just looking at your profile lol it says your due the 23rd of Feb right?
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@wrd2016, we have the same due date lol
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I haven't done it yet lol I will in a month or so I'm just adimit and won't get an epidural I'm going to stay home as long as possible and relax and take a bath maybe go walking you have to occupy yourself with other things
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeah I don't think I could do it without an epidural lol I wish I was strong enough but I just don't think I can. I'm already in pain just from spreading lol and I got checked at the hospital yesterday and it hurt sooo bad! I haven't had sex in 5 or so months and so she couldn't even get to my cervix lol I'm scared that me not having sex is going to make it hurt more bc it's tight 😂 but the nurse told me my body would take care of it and spread like it needs too, but I'm terrified. my mom also thinks that I shouldn't do the epidural bc I've had 5 kidney stones and said if I can handle that pain then I can handle natural childbirth, but that crap hurt, I'm still too scared to do it natural. and I feel like I'm so nervous already and I just don't want to be in so much pain that I can't even remember or enjoy the time. the last time I had a kidney stone, I was already unknowingly passing it before I got to the hospital and I don't even remember the day bc I was in so much pain.. lol maybe I'm just setting myself up I guess and making myself nervous lol but good for you mama for being able to do it the natural way :)
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@wyatts_mommy_0106, you definitely should look into it you feel better afterwards to your all there and the recovery is faster and you can walk right away there's a lot of pros to it! I'm excited and can't wait to experience it as crazy as that sounds but I know it will be worth it @wyatts_mommy_0106
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I wish I would have did my research as you did I plan on trying natural with my next in 4 years and I can educate myself so I can experience that. yeah that's what I have heard
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@wyatts_mommy_0106, yeah when you're induced your contractions are worse & @ketymrtnz you were so close!! I just don't like the thought of people getting epidurals hours before baby is delievered cause it lowers there heart rate and I heard women are more likely to tear with epidural cause they can't feel when to push and yes everyone has different pain levels I know I have a high one and @wrd2016 that's not bad momma and youre doing what you think is best for you and your little one all circumstances are different like I said you shouldn't torture yourself if you're in that much pain I heard being Induced intensifies your contractions, I personally won't get an epidural cause I've done a lot of research on it, and I know how to channel my pain but everyone is entitled to what they want to do with there body these are just my views
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I am being induced, but only 1 or 2 days before I'm 40 weeks, and the only reason I am is because my daughter's father supports us and works out of town, he will be 14 hrs away from me and we need a set date so that he doesn't miss it, I wouldn't wanna get induced too early though. I've seen a lot of women only 36 weeks talking about trying to get the baby to come... I wouldn't bc I really want her to be as healthy as possible, but everyone has there own opinions so I can't judge.. I do plan on an epidural though, bc I don't handle pain well AT ALL, and I'm so small I'm afraid it's going to hurt like hell, on my dad's side of the family was all 11-14 lb baby's and I don't want to take a chance on her being big and not being able to handle it.. but I wish I could handle it lol
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Epidural is not for everyone, but I was in labor for 11 hours and couldn't take the pain anymore. Everyone has their own pain tolerance level. I agree with you o. being induced early for no reason is horrible, but not with the epidural, but to each is their own. Before my daughter I was going all natural and held as much as I could, but once those pains got dark as hell, I couldn't take it lol at 8cm I got it and I was right there 😂
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
ooh yeah. I told them I wanted the epidural but I was set on trying natural cause my son was born at 35 weeks so I knew he wouldn't be bigger than 5-6 pounds but I had to be induced cause my water broke but my body wasn't contracting or dilating but once they gave me pitcon like 5 hours later my contractions was 2-3 seconds a part lasting 30 seconds to a min I was screaming for the epidural. I applaud the women able to without drugs
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree I forgot to write that yes if you absolutely can't handle the pain don't torture yourself but it's definitely doable think of the billions of women that have done it I believe its all your mindset @wyatts_mommy_0106
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree with moms wanting to be induced without a medical reason I had a preemie and I was terrified. but not everyone can do a natural birth some ppl cant handle the pain and having a epidural is the best option for them to deliver the baby
05.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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