lol no talking about the comments to you under your post! but try not to stress you may not even be. i didnt use any protection after my first and started having sex about 4 weeks pp and i dodnt get pregnant again until baby was 5 months.
I really don't want to not ready for another baby after just having one..I hope that test comes out negative..but if it comes out positive, I can't change what happened...:/ I wish nothing did happen..and I didn't mean to sound rude..i was just...idk..nvm I don't think I were talking about me...@sandycheeks,
some people on here being kinda rude. expressing your concern and flat out telling some one they shouldnt even be doing something or just being rude are 2 totally different things! anyways. hope that you arent pregnant since you are not wanting to be love. ! @zoeysmommy54
Well not to burst your bubble or anything but it's VERY likely that you're pregnant again if you did have unprotected sex so soon. After giving birth your body is literally craving a baby and you're very fertile. Good luck.
This happened with my first son . I got pregnant when he was about 2 months or so maybe even less I now have two kids who are 10 1/2 months apart .. Deff go to the doctor and make sure you are don't freak out yet ... But I deff know how u feel right now . Good luck
Chillllll your uterus is still shrinking. You're going to feel weird things. I'm 3 1/2 month PP snd I get phantom kicks. Breathe. But also if you're being sexually active and you're not ready make sure you use some sort of protection.
Because I have an almost 2 month old baby..i dont want another baby....i didn't even want to do anything this time for this reason @rosaryy and because u know that first feeling that u get when the baby moves? Well it felt something like that @kimberlyyyy. I didn't want to have sex. Not at all. It was forced this time. @queendavis. And I'm almost 2 months postpartum @kmally