I'm 37 weeks today, I'm getting induced on the 10th though due to gd. my Dr stripped my membranes today in my exam. Im 80% thinned out and 2 cm dialated. my question is if there is a possibility of me going into labor sooner than the 10th? if so how early might this happen. Ive been feeling pressure down there for a week or two now.

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thanks ladies, I guess I'll just be waiting patiently for her to arrive. crossing my fingers that she comes without induction though cause I heard labor is alot worse when you get induced medically. :)
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've never had it done but on here I've seen girls get their membrane sweeped and go into labor like the next day and stuff😁 good luck💞
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
It depends on you n the baby, they did that to me and there was no change when I went in to be induced but there are some who go into labor before they get actually get induced. it happened with my mom with me, the morning she was to be induced her water broke
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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