anyone that lives in MA. do you know anything about government aid while I'm separated from my husband? like what do I have to do? is there anything I CAN do? we finally talked the other night. and he said something that has basically made up my mind to leave. But I literally have nothing. (I don't drive, Im a stay at home mom, I have no where to go. the only thing I have going for me is that I'm in college) and I have two small children. (3 years and 7 months). any advice would be great.

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i dont live in MA... but where im from... if you go to your local dss... department of socail service... that help you with child care, foodstamps, and get you a part time job til you get out of school... ,
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't live in MA, but this is how it is here in California and I'm thinking it should be the same everywhere else...if you're separated or going through a divorce you qualify as a single person/mother. I'm pretty sure it is the same all over the country. Here is the link to the MA govt aid website ссылка I'm sure you can find a lot of information on there. Good luck!!!
04.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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