really need some advice and information if you have been through the same thing:
my baby daddy and I split more like I ran on Dec 8. I had asked him for a year an 3 months to quit all drugs our daughter is almost 6 months now he was really deep in the drugs on the 8th od on the 9th his mom had to call 911 and they resuscitated him between when she was born and when I left I was a single mom with another child on the house that was older then me. he always choose the drugs over his family I tried so hard to be a family cook clean work 40+ hours a week and took care of the baby with no help. all the sudden he wants to go to court ( no biggie) but I have to get her social and he won't give me his social he won't give me her birth certificate so I can file for assistance, he has only given me 120$ for her in over a month. he's never helped and now all the sudden filing for full custody. today I meant him drove an hour for him to be a half hour late and to get mad that I said he don't have a case he left after spending a little over 30 minutes with her. now I'm worried that he is going to get some custody and I'm scared for my baby because of his past he supposedly is clean for 3 weeks now but after a year and a half how can I believe that