I don't normally rant but you know what makes me mad?? is when people try to downgrade young teen mothers!!! yes I know having a baby at a young age is tough but some young moms will be able to do it. for starters I'm 18 got pregnant at 17 but my baby boy is healthy and happy and has everything he needs for when he enters this world! and I'm proud to say I got most of it 28th no help from anyone. I went through my first month and a half single with no one to help me through my morning sickness and everything. but at 11 weeks I ment my boyfriend now and he has helped alot threw all the morning sickness making sure I get to doctors and appts of it wasnt for the help of my mom bf and older sister of have to go through my first experience alone. but I don't understand why everyone downgrades teen mothers bc some can do it even though tpudpnt think they can!!

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that's where I was trying to get at but I was 16 working two jobs school full time now I'm 18 school and I can't work intil after I have my son
06.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think most parents do it out of frustration. You don't have your own place and don't have a job, no car, not in school and other factors could be why parents get fed up. In certain cases I don't think it's right especially if they don't have anywhere to go
03.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I understand that but for parents who kick there pregnant daughter out bc she got knocked up that's not right they shouldn't get treated any different just bc their pregnant . I understand veung a teen mom isn't easy but some young moms can do it
03.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Because most don't want to take responsibility for their actions. Most want to pawn their children off on people so they can continue to party. Because being a teen mom isn't easy and most take the easy way out. And because you have you're whole life ahead of you, and most teen pregnancies aren't planned.
03.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm sorry if it doesn't make sence just had to rant!
03.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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