I don't normally rant but you know what makes me mad?? is when people try to downgrade young teen mothers!!! yes I know having a baby at a young age is tough but some young moms will be able to do it. for starters I'm 18 got pregnant at 17 but my baby boy is healthy and happy and has everything he needs for when he enters this world! and I'm proud to say I got most of it 28th no help from anyone. I went through my first month and a half single with no one to help me through my morning sickness and everything. but at 11 weeks I ment my boyfriend now and he has helped alot threw all the morning sickness making sure I get to doctors and appts of it wasnt for the help of my mom bf and older sister of have to go through my first experience alone. but I don't understand why everyone downgrades teen mothers bc some can do it even though tpudpnt think they can!!