Getting induced in 3 weeks and planning NOT to get an epidural. Anyone not get an epidural when they gave birth? And how was the delivery experience overall for you + recovery
I plan to do the same! 😊 F.T.M but hoping all will go well my OB said walking light exercise, drinking water etc will definitely help with natural birth, so I've been doing just that. 😊 38 weeks and haven't started dilating hopefully she won't be late but feel like I will also be induced but we shall see! Congrats and good luck! 😊😘
I plan on natural with no epidural as well. My aunt has 3 children, epidural with the first and natural with the 2nd and 3rd. Her recovery after was way quicker without the epidural. Same for a few other aunts, friends and cousins. The ones who got epidurals couldn't walk and function well after so they had a bit of a recovery period but the ones that went all natural were up walking and showering right after.
I did with my first and plan to again! It was an amazing and empowering experience and I loved that I could be up and showering by myself not long after having him. I started getting induced at 41+1, didn't need pitocin. 5 hours later he was here! I truly think that I progressed so quickly because I could labor in the shower and move around and wasn't confined to a bed. Obviously everyone is different but this was my experience!
ya I was induced twice and my first one I had no pain meds the second one I had an iv med instead of an epidural. I plan on trying to do all natural this time again but hopefully not inducing. If your body is ready and dilating on your own induction is alot easier if your body is not ready it will take a long time