so apparently having a baby on the way and having a fiance at home doesn't disqualify him to go stay the night with his buddy! are you freaking kidding me?
its a bunch of crap. then I found out last night he walked to the store the other night and there was a girl he knew and he talked to her there. this is all bs
his friend is always going to have his back regardless... I just got into it with my wife because she made plans with her friends without telling me she got home and finally told me about them. and we had it out I told her she is no longer single like her friends are and that she has a wife and a child... I also told her that I can play that game too and I am not ugly lol... after all that it was settled... but it seems to me that he is an explosion waiting to happen if he can kick stuff around like that... I would be having him locked out the house he can go stay with his "friend"
he literally KICKED it across the living room I msged his friend to ask him where he was and he said filling out job applications so either his friend is going along with it or I'm just crazy!
@svictoria1495, okay you need to leave IMMEDIATELY. If he can become that angry to throw your things it will only get worse. I had a "man" throw things and punch walls before he finally put his hands on me. That's already abusive from the sound of it and cannot handle his emotions.
someone would be getting his ass whooped and thrown to the curb. If you have a place of your own, you don't need to "spend the night at a buddy's house". He isn't in grade school anymore, this isn't some sleep over. Get answers or he can gtfo because no straight man, spends the night at a friend's house especially if he has a place to call home with a pregnant girlfriend at home, he's lying.
I tried leaving last night had all my crap packed because hes constantly picking fights he came in the house dumped all of my stuff in the living room floor and when I went to pick it up he kicked it across the living room! now he does this???? @mrsgoss @sweetpea_nut
I understand! When he comes back, I would definitely talk to him about it. Guys don't think unless it's about themselves (let's be honest) so he probably doesn't understand how much of a big deal it is.
Nope, nope. That all smells fishy. I can't even get my SO to talk to me so I already something's up. When he comes back from leave, I have some choice words for him. I would definitely get to the bottom of it.
he doesn't have a phone . but he found his buddy a date for the night . exactly no phone call no check in no nothing comes home to take a shower and leaves again so I've seen him a total of maybe 10 minutes today! I'm so pissed off. our child is due in June and he feels the need to stay with his friend? hmm okay then. @mrsgoss
Ummm...No! I just read this to my husband and he agreed it was weird. I would be checking on his ass! Men don't spend the night with other men! Exactly where was he between those times?? No phone call no nothing?? My husband said you better watch him closely! @svictoria1495
literally he went to work at 6 this morning didn't get home til like 5 just to tell me him and his friend had interviews and they left work at 10 AM (ok where the f were you from 10 to 5 ) then comes home after telling me he had a interview with 2 companies at 9:30 and tells me he's staying with his buddy BC he has a interview in the morning! okay nice to know me and your kid are that important!!! @mrsgoss