Husband getting on my nerves BAD today. We don't have issues very often, because is an awesome dad & husband, but today he has been so lazy & grouchy. Won't help me with anything & won't even get up off the couch. He literally has been sitting on the couch all day without moving and won't help me. I would LOVE to sit around all day! but guess what? We have responsibilities. It doesn't work like that! and it pisses me off that he can just decide to act like this and not care.

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28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I know right :( I just didn't post all that because it was too long for the status lol. Just needed to complain! Or I will take it all out on him & I don't like arguing with him. But yes I agree with you about letting him relax usually. I like being in charge of taking care of the house & baby, and he just having fun with us while he's home! It works good for us. But today I have been freaked out so bad!!! But I just called my mom and she said she would come get us and let us spend the night at her house if it gets bad. So that makes me feel better. It's a flood warning but I'm kinda hoping its wrong & that it doesn't get that bad. But thank you for listening to my rant lol @lifewith_two
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I completely understand, I do the same lol. but he should help. I would be so mad, specially if there's a flood warning. my husband left for storm so me and my girl's are alone for new years until the storms stop so they can fix all the power lines but it sucks specially because he knows yalls house is already hit. hope and pray nothing happens!
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Oh trust me, he doesn't have to do anything at home. He's the worker & I am the housekeeper and stay at home mom. That's why I said we usually don't have issues. He can't even remember the last time he changed a diaper. He never has to help around the house. I always make sure I have something cooked for him to eat. He gets to watch tv & play his games all day, every day, without a complaint. But today is different, he has been off of work for a week now for vacation, and our yard flooded two days before Christmas. The foundation on the side of our house caved in, and we were supposed to pack up and move today because they are calling for a flood warning. Well, instead he decided to sit on his ass all day (even though he has been for a week straight), and our house is most likely going to flood tonight. He goes back to work tonight, but since he wouldn't help me move or anything, my baby & I are going to be stuck here without a car or anything just praying that the flood doesn't get too bad and that side of the house doesn't fall. :( he has caused me stress beyond belief today! I needed to vent lol @lifewith_two
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I understand this,but at the same time they work and provide for us. Sometimes they just want to relax for awhile. My husband is a Lineman he does the power lines so when he is home i let him relax and enjoy his time at home, but also i talk to him about spending and helping me with our girl's.
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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