Does anyone else feel like they are their partners second ? Like my boyfriend would rather go sell a system and help a friend out then hang with me and family on Christmas Eve.. I got and still am upset .. Am I over reacting ? I just feel like I always have to beg him to hang out with me and I'm just so sick of it..
I'm right there with you. It feels a little better knowing there's people that understand. Hang in there, and don't hesitate to message me if you ever need to vent:)
I'm going through the exact same thing. It eats away at me. Then he tells me he can't be glued to my hip 24/7. It's not even like that though. It's just he is always gone. Seems like he would rather go out with friends than spend quality time. It makes me sad. I'm alone as I'm typing this now. He went out with friends. Womp Womp.