thank you I get stressed out sometimes because I have my fiance mother breathing down my neck saying rude things to me like I don't eat I'm going to kill my baby, but she not here watching me to know if I'm eating or not. shes just so rude all the time.
I'm 33 weeks and if I miss a dose of diclegis I still get sick. morning sickness or as I call it all day sickness can sometimes stay with a woman all pregnancy. eating more frequently and not letting yourself get hungry also helps. I hope you feel better.
Don't worry. loosing weight doesn't make your bump any smaller. baby is super tough when it comes to tolerating morning sickness. I lost 30 lbs before I finally got the mediicne I needed and able to eat again. I started taking diclegis. it's the only proven nausea medicine safe for mom and baby. :) it was a life saver.