Natalie Gallagher
Natalie Gallagher
I see all these other fathers raking naps with there kids and giving them baths and doing things like that. but my bf changes diapers every now and again and it hurts my feelings because I feel like he's missing out and so is my son all because I don't have a job he says that giving our son baths and such is my job and doing all of that is my job. I've just recently got him to hold our LO and bounce him or rock him to stop him stop crying. I want a man who wants to be apart of every aspect of being a father/ a parent and not just hold him a minute and then pass him back and go do his own thing.

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@natnatbabygirl, you have to tell him how you feel sooner than later. It's not easy but better than keeping it inside and it getting worse.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@blanca_boo, I'm hoping when I go home I can talk to him without breaking down. @mami_d_azaria its not your only job because it seems men expect you to take care of a household a baby and food prep and have time to kiss their asses at the end of the day
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Same here😔 My husband was so excited at first when I had our daughter and helped me a lot but now he doesn't want to. He also says since he works my only "job" is to take care of our baby... When he comes home he doesn't even come say hi to her or kiss her. And I tell him to come acknowledge her daughter and he says she is still little she doesn't know. I ask him to change her diaper or hold her while I prepare her bottle he rolls his eyes or does it with an attitude saying he just got home from work. I don't believe in divorce but there are times I feel like telling him to either step up and be a father or we are done. My daughter deserves the best and if he doesn't want to be involved then why be with us.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I know he's missed every shot he has ever gotten. He still has a lot of making up to do that he is just slacking on. He'd much rather work. He had a day off and didn't even come over. His son is more important there's not buts about. it. I've wondered the same thing but I know he loves him its just the fact that he hasn't grown up yet. He can act like such a child especially when he's with his best friend.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@_akgirl, I'm gonna try when I get home tomorrow. sometimes I worry maybe he doesn't want this completely.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@blanca_boo, that's another thing he's never done doc apts. it's getting to the point where's its heart breaking .
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@natnatbabygirl, We do so much its just not appreciated. I'm basically taking care of our son since he decided he couldn't take my mom any more and moved out. I don't know how I function I barely get any sleep and still have energy to do everything for our son.I take him to every appointment.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@blanca_boo, I wish men would own up to the fact that they have just as much responsibility in raising their child just as much as the mom.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
tears can be a weapon. i use them. i had them streaming down my face during our conversation. you just come to a point where enough is enough and you can't stand it anymore. ask him is he wants to be a guy with a family or a guy with a child support payment. try not to stress momma. do your best. if he's still not happy tell him he's behind selfish. they have no idea how hard it is trying to take care of literally everything. my bf flat out admitted he thought staying home with baby was going to be a piece of cake. remember, you ALWAYS have support here ❤
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@natnatbabygirl, I'm doing the same I tell him when he wants him to stand up and all that. On thanksgiving we went to his parents our boy was fussy because he hadnt slept very well went to my house early. Then figured out his step mom was talking shit because I left early when she wasn't even in the house she went to move their cars. He barely holds him then says here take your son like he isn't his.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@blanca_boo, the only reason my bf knows any of our sons likes and dislikes is because I tell him. and he goes to his family like he's the one who made that discovery. I want him to learn for himself our sons personality
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@_akgirl, I try to do my best to keep the house clean and do laundry but jumping from being with my parents to living with him for a year and he expects a housewife.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@_akgirl, i m horrible with talking to him, I try and I always end up in years because he brings up the fact that I don't do enough. I'm 20 years old I don't know how to run a household because I've never had that responsibility and I can't just learn that in a short amount of time. he always turns the tables and makes me feel bad about myself and I feel ashamed asking him to do more than he is. his excuse being he works an 8hr job everyday.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have that same feeling doesn't help that he moved out when he was very small and never once has changed him and he's only fed him like twice. He doesn't know what he likes or his perks. He's realizing more that our son doesn't really know him and isn't doing enough. He went to his brothers instead of seeing me and his son.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@blanca_boo, I'm scared of that happening, I don't want my son to grown up feeling like his dad didn't show him enough attention.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
honestly. tell him that. i had to with my bf. we got in a huge fight over it because i want my daughter to have a father that is apart of her life, not just "in the b background" or whatever. and i told him that. and i said if it continues we will no longer be together. because why bother if i was doing everything anyway. it really made him think. now he works part time early mornings then hangs out with our daughter all day while i go work. it's been a big 180flip. talk to him love. you'll feel better getting it out and known.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm in the same situation I know how you feel.My son doesn't even recognize his dad crys when he sees him.
21.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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