Oh my god this labor and delivery nurse is going to get a piece of my fuckin mind. This lady is such a bitch. The driest nurse I've ever dealt with 😡😤 seriously so pissed I have to deal with this lady.
yeah they tried that with me and another nurse came in saying they're gonna treat me how I trear them so I simply replied "Guess it's gonna be a very long night for everyone"
I'd walk out to the desk 😩 or send someone like no honey I had an amazing one and they truly are part of your experience don't be miserable for that hag
Tell her directly then. It's your day, you're paying a lot of money to be there. It's not worth having a bad experience. If you really can't do it, ask her when shift change happens. ;)
Just request a new nurse it's not worth the bad experience. I've had to in my past delivery and it was the best thing ever getting rid of that bad nurse!