so my son is crying because i dont wanna stand up and hold him (my mom likes to stand up an hold him an rock him an before all that he would sit on his seat an go to sleep an all that now he just wants to be held all the time an im not going to do that im trying to break him out of that) anyways she comes down stairs because he is crying and gone say "what are you doing to him" tf are you serious why would i do anything to hurt my son plz tell me that bitch that got me so mad if you hadnt been holding him an rocking him all the time he would be chilling like he was way before you started doing that shit.

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that does sound frustrating! everyone else just needs to back off! that's your son and you know whats best for him and your raising him, you make the choices when it comes to raising him!!
18.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
i hope so but its so frustrating no one lets him sit there an cry so he can learn that just because he cries he doesnt need to be picked up an they try to make it seem as if im hurting him when im not im home by myself most of the time i cant get anything done if i have to hold him 24 fucking 7. an when you dont hold him he know cries like someone trying to hurt him its so frustrating @wrd2016
18.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm so worried that's what's going to happen with my daughter! everyone is going to spoil her, and her daddy will only be home once a month, and I know I'm gonna be the only one that has to deal with her when she's so spoiled lol I hope you can break him of it! you got this mama! good luck <3
18.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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