since I didn't know I was pregnant until we were around 28osh weeks it wasn't too bad. I was sick for a little over a week and off and on thinking it was due to my tooth infection but other then that I really had no symptoms other then heartburn on which I thought was caused by my acid reflex issues. Sleep has been the only off and on thing for me. I had lots of naps once I did find out as I knew I needed them. but not much other then that. that's why I had no clues. because I had a very in regular period or no showing. had issues with it since cancer 11 years ago. it had left and didn't come backnuntil 2 years ago and would be every 3 months or so and the last cycle was last year around Aug. so no periods this year so I had no flags at all on top of being told I couldn't concieve.
Iam! and was it ever a surprise! I had cancer when I was 15 and was told after that, that I wouldn't be able to conceive. now 11 years later I'm madly in love and we found out about a month and a half ago that we are expecting a miracle :D We are now 32w4d