Ok guys, A TMI question is about to follow...I hope it doesn't sound dumb. This is my 4th baby but I have never had my water break on its own. What does it feel like? At about 11 this morning I went to pee and immediately when I got up and pulled my pants up, I felt like I peed on myself. I felt it down both of my inner thighs and had to change my underwear. Since then I have not wet myself again but I have peed prob about 20 times since then. Should I worry or just chalk it up to the fact that pregnant women pee on themselves sometimes?

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Yeah I put a pad on and it has not filled.
15.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
But don't let it go without finding out for sure because if you had an early water breakage the. You're at risk for infection. Most hospitals admit you after your water breaks to be sure you don't get any infections
15.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
The only way to really tell is to smell it. If it smells like pee .. It's pee. If not.. Well.. It's not pee. Lol other wise put a pad on and if it fills without you peeing it's your water otherwise gotta go to l&d to find out
15.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I Never Had To Get Mines Broke So Idk Hun
15.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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