Mommas, when you brought home #2 (or 3, etc), did the first born listen to everyone but you?? ever since the baby and I came home, my 2 year old listens to EVERYONE but me. I'm trying to give her positive attention and not just negative but she won't come to me, she'll only give me loves when her daddy is holding her, etc. I technically shouldn't be home alone with her right now cause I can't pick her up yet (I had a csection and am not quite 2 weeks post op yet, let alone the month I was told not to lift more then 10 pounds and I have issues picking up and carrying my newborn right now as it is due to delivery caused anemia) but had to a bit ago to change her clothes and stuff, and she just straight ignores me but not anyone else. I know part of it is terrible 2's but good lord I'm going crazy....she loves her baby sister so I don't think it's jealousy.