Okay I need some help. I have been super depressed lately and I'm not fully sure why. I used to smoke and drink and quit it cold turkey. It my boyfriend and roommates do it in front of me still and I get angry but I shouldn't be angry cause I quit for the health of my baby boy... What do I do!!! I can't stand them I get so angry over nothing... Then causes me to get upset then I get all depressed

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Find something else to zone out on. Adult coloring books keep me occupied while the boys hang out. Sounds silly but it worked for me. Or baking, or crafting. I want to learn to knit. If my belly wasn't in the way I would take up archery. We are starting to repaint and organize the nursery. I just try to stay busy. Good luck mama.
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I get angry over anything too! just take a step back do something for yourself
14.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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