Hi! this was me at 14 weeks, I am now 17 weeks.
when I was 12 weeks, I started having really bad UPPER stomach pain, slightly under my ribs, towards the center. it would only happen in the morning, and it would last 10-30 minutes, then go away. That stopped around 13 weeks. Now I'm 17 weeks, and I just had it again, except this time, it was absolutely excruciating. I had tears in my eyes and I was curled into a ball, the pain was so bad. One of my family members said it was heartburn and that heart burn is different during pregnancy. Is that really what it is? Something is telling me that it's not and I don't understand how "heartburn" can make me cry from the pain. It felt like someone took a handful of my insides and just squeezed as hard as they possibly could.
Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be worried? I'm also a first time mom..
I have this same exact problem it feels like someone is crushing my chest my docs told me it was most likely inflammation from my ribs separating but it hurts crazy bad :/
Its possible it's a gallbladder issue.. Because the digestive tract is so much slower it can effect the gull bladder. Mine was supper painful with my last pregnancy.
If you are concerned I would call your dr first thing this morning to see if they want to see you or not. What it does sound like your organs getting pushed up by the baby to make room which might be the uncomfortable pain you are having. But I would call later just in case