Anyone tried Raspberry Tea Leaf or whatever it's called? I'm going to clean, sit on a yoga ball and drink that all day! All the pineapples did was burn my tongue!
Will the raspberry tea for lactation help too? I think it's raspberry leaf.. If so will that help progress things? I'm due January 18 and I'm 35 weeks almost.. Don't want a Christmas baby but if he's not here by January 1st I may try some things to help him come along lol.
I'm only a fingertip right now I've been having constant Bh contractions on and off though. I haven't drank any tea for a few days since I only have 1 tea bag left. @thencomesbabyj
@marce88, I'm 37. However my son is 9+lbs already. I do not want to have c section. My doctor is expecting him to come on his own but if he doesn't he's going to schedule me a c section at 38 weeks. So I'm trying to get him out sooner. I explained all of that because some women on here get all pissy towards women who want to kick start labor.
@thencomesbabyj, No problem hun. I started this time at 35 weeks. I started off with drinking 2 cups a day for a week then moved it up to 3 cups. I'll probably do 4 cups by the next week or so @marce88
Yes, I've done the red rasberry leaf tea. It's tastes really good. I'm almost out so I have to get some more today. It sucks since it's getting harder to find. Hope you see some progress this weekend.
Yes. It taste great. I believe that it has helped me dilate 2 cm without noticing. The first two nights I drank it I had a lot of stomach cramping. Nothing too serious.