There are two types of parenting. The parents who care how their kids act in public and the parents who DON'T care how their kids act in public...
My sister in law is the second type and I am the first type. If my son misbehaves in public, whatever toy/candy he was getting gets put back on the shelf and we are leaving. And if he's bad enough (which luckily has happened ONCE in his life) he will get spanked when we get home.
Today... At Dollar Tree, my niece was screaming and crying and throwing things and having a full blown tantrum in the middle of the store.. Instead of picking her up and leaving the store, my sister in law laughs and says "looks like you're THAT kid." ...... Now, it's none of my business how anybody parents their child.. But it was completely embarrassing. And it's one thing to have a screaming child in a store, we've all been there.. And if you haven't yet, your day will come.. But like I was saying, it's one thing to have a screaming child and for you to remove the child from the situation or do whatever you can to comfort the child to make them quit crying and to behave... And it's another thing to just stand there and do nothing... She's THAT kid because you didn't do anything but laugh at her. I don't get embarrassed, like EVER. And I was completely mortified. As the people stared at us I could feel myself turning as red as a fire truck. Literally. So as soon as she paid she tells me she's going to the car.. So as soon as she walks out I immediately start apologizing to everyone. The cashier, the people behind us, everyone. And they were like "Is that your kid?" And I was like "Oh nah, me and my kid would've been out of the store the second he started acting up. I would've put every single toy back and we would have left." And they were all like "Yeah we couldn't believe she stood there and did nothing." All I could do was keep apologizing. I felt so bad.. For myself, for my sister in law and for everyone at the store.
So. Once we get into the car she continues to scream and cry the WHOLE way home. Almost 45 minutes, I should add. And my SIL was telling me how she will never apologize for her kid acting up in public because every parent goes through it... I just kept my mouth shut because I just don't want to fight over something that honestly isn't even my business... Anyways. Sorry for blowing up your time lines with my nonsense. I just had to tell somebody and figured some of you guys may get a kick of how my SIL acted. Completely ridiculous.