Cindy Lee
found this on Facebook ND love it 😊
So you didn't get much accomplished today, You ran the washing machine a few times today , but barely got one load finished, because you kept forgetting to take the load out of the washer so you ran the same load three times. All baby wanted to do today was nurse and sleep, but the problem was anytime you tried to escape the sleeping baby, it's like some alarm goes off and baby instantly wakes back up, so you stop fighting it, and decide to nap with baby. You take a good look around your house and think, "How can I be this tired and still have it look like I got nothing done today?" Then you look down at your happy baby who is giggling and cooing and you soon realize , "But I did get a ton done today! My baby is happy, fed, & content. Clean nappy & full belly of my milk because I made sure to eat extra snacks so I could produce that milk. I may have neglected some of my chores, but all of that can wait because my baby needs me today." I am my baby's food source, comfort, sleep aid, & even though baby takes up most of my day I wouldn't have it any other way!
From- A mom who gets it-
8.3 лет

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