Jessica McMillion
Jessica McMillion
My fiancé feels neglected and ignored after I had Rosalie. He says I give him no attention and that I barely touch him, I disagree. He also doesn't like that we don't sleep together. He then stated he regrets having a kid.
Anyone else had this issue with their SO? Any ways that helped with the way your SO felt?
It's taking a toll on my relationship.

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my current baby is my 4th born and we'd never had a separation time before. because she, my baby is exclusively breastfed I have to sleep separate so I don't wake him at night. I've cried. we argue. but we also have gone out to eat together and we take showers together. we sit together during dinner and or cook together. so its a work in progress. he wants to bond with baby, but she just wants me. so he has stuff to deal with too. it's all worth it giving her the nutrition she needs. it's only for a year if we make it that long. (my other kids were only 4 months when I stopped.) this time he fully understands and supports me breastfeeding. so even that we've come along way.
08.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@jmcmillion, I am in my third trimester of my first pregnancy but this is my worst fear. The pregnancy getting in the way... not wanting to be anywhere near as intimate now has been a bit difficult for us. We talk a lot about it eventhough sometimes it takes me a bit to get there but the best thing I can say is to talk about it. Both of you guys explain how you feel and help him understand you. Good luck girl. Hope everything works out!
08.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
carve out time for him after baby goes to sleep. Ask about his day, hold him, cuddle him, little things go along way its a big adjustment for both of y'all and its gonna take trail and error before y'all find out what works and when its mommy and daddy time.
08.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Sounds very selfish Smh
08.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Also trying(or did) I should say broke up with me and told me to move out because it's not working.
08.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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