got in another fight with my little sister over the same thing and I guess I'm a whore cuz I have sex with my bf and my daughter is going to be one too and then she came at me and now I have cuts on my face..... and I couldn't hit her back since she is a kid and I can go to jail. I can't do this anymore. I can be in love and be happy but I guess since I'm a mom and can't be happy and I have to be with baby daddy. I'm soo sorry I have no friends but my bf and I only get to see him once a week because of his work and I don't tell me everything about my family. I don't even get help. I got in trouble for letting my bf take my daughter to my bed... that where she sleep so I can get so sleep in the next room. he wants to help me and my mom won't him. I'm depressed. I work 3 jobs and come home to my daughter and get no sleep at all. I wanted to sleep for once and I guess that's not allow.

Лучший комментарий


@analisa_ag, I agree ,if its that bad and you dont want to deal with it find house asstitance get a place of your own where you can be happy and no fight or being told what to do,plus your child doesn't need to grow up around your sister the way she acts
06.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
u should apply for housing or housing assistance through your WIC nurse or something find resources to get a better healthier environment for you and your baby because it sounds toxic,and u are the one who decides things for you baby they can have an opinion but it's you who calls the shots just remember that.
06.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
my baby daddy is not in the picture. my bf try to help me when he can and I have nowhere to go and share a room with my sister
06.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
you shouldn't allow your family to control you so much and dictate how you are enjoying a parent and what u allow your baby's father to do with her. that's your decision your the mama @deehughes730
06.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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