Ladies I need some advice. ok my daughter is 5 and I just had a baby boy. when I was pregnant everything aggravated me now since I'm not pregnant I'm good. the only problem I have is my daughter and all this crying. she still gets attention she still gets awarded when she does good in school but all this crying for no reason sometimes. she knows I don't play that but when she sees other kids and how they get this or away with things they shouldn't she thinks she can too. if I tell her time to come inside she starts crying. I don't know what to do sometimes I don't want to result to the belt.

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I was in high school and I got into a bad crowd and my momma came to ALL my classes with me for a day 😂 I'm not scarred for life. I was pissed and embarrassed but I sure didn't get in no more trouble!
05.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
thanks ladies I've started sending her to her room and tell her to think about why she not about to turn on the tv. I tell her cry babies don't get to watch TV. I do know when she use to do it in school I made her sit outside with a bib on and hold a bottle. was that to harsh? well she don't cry in school no more @jream_girl @mommyandbriston
05.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
My youngest used to do that. I figured out when I ignore him he would eventually come around. When I would put way too much attention into his tantrums he would continue to do it on multiple occasions, and it got embarrassing especially in public. Now he see it doesn't work so he stopped.
05.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
If she's just crying because she wants something and isn't getting her way, I wouldn't get mad about it. My niece did it and when she did I would try to tell her to not cry and stop but if she didnt listen and continues I just let her be mad for a while and ignored it. She'd go be a brat in her room and just lay on the bed with an attitude but after she realized crying got her no where she stopped doing it and it hasn't been a problem since
05.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Someone once told me the cry it out method is best with children not newborns 😂
05.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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