so I pay for my sister phone and she not going to school and I made the choice of taking the phone away because she not goi g to school and she called me a cunt..... I went crazy. I gave my baby to my brother and starting yelling and my mom didn't do or say anything about it and since I'm paying rent big part of it I took my sisters things out of the room and kicked her out if the room because of her calling me a cunt and I forgot my baby was in the bed wide wake and I forgot she was there. I feel like a very bad mom because I was so heated I forget she was in the room and I was yelling and screaming. it put her to sleep tho:( I broke and had a melt down and I feel like I took it out on my baby not knowing she was there.

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it's hard not too. I told myself I will never have a fight in front of my kids. it's not right
04.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
girl, it happens. you can't be perfect all the time. I would have done the same thing. don't feel baf
04.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
but my yelling put her to sleep :( and I can't believe my mom let her talk to me like that and be OK.
04.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
i would of done the same. but dont feel bad mama you were upset.
04.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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