I was on metformin it will take about a year but it works what's funny is I gave up and was really emotional one night about it then I went to the ER the next day for abdominal pain and they told me I was pregnant have faith girl I have a friend that has pcos as well and she has 3 beautiful girls
I have pcos have had it since I was 15 started trying for a baby with my SO when I turned 21 and I'll be 24 next week we just got pregnant with our first miracle. the only meds I ever did was 2 years ago when they put me on a med to regulate my period I gave up after so many negative tests but it finally happened for us just keep trying girl it will happen maybe not right off but it will!
I know that feeling.. with my second ttc until I was diag with it, but it only took us a month n half with meds and got pregnant. Good luck. Idk how religious you are but keep the faith and trust in him, your time will come and the right moment