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I haven't been on here in forever! My little man is almost 3 months old. It's been hard adjusting to having 2 kids. I'm going to counseling now for PPD, but besides all that it's been good.

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@klachappelle, ok! I will! And thanks again!
03.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@prettybrown4268, Just make sure you make time for her. Go on lunch dates and things like that with just her. It will help her adjust. And doing the smallest things with her will help, like sitting down and coloring, or making a craft, playing with playdoh, just spending one on one time will help a lot!
03.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@klachappelle, Yes, she is in school. I'm just worried about how she adjusts. She says she's excited but it's been 6 years of her being my one and only! I just hope she won't think I'll love her any less because of the new baby. But thank you! You made me feel Alittle more at ease!
03.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
@prettybrown4268, It may be a little easier for you because I'm assuming your daughter is in school, but it's still an adjustment regardless. My daughter is 2 so it's hard because she just wants to play and my son is attached to me because he's breastfeeding. It's getting easier though the older he gets because he's starting to entertain himself so I don't have to constantly hold him. You'll do great, just remember to breathe!
03.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
Is it tough? I'm kinda nervous about it. This is my second. But then again my daughter is 6 and she's a great kid so It might not be as bad as I'm thinking. Please let me know tho.
02.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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