😔poor baby still in nicu...so emotional i missed alot thanks to hubby for recording everything for me tho😭😢i get to see her for the second time at 11:00 gosh so excited🤗
Oh you know what my baby had low blood sugar too forgot about that and the next day everything adjusted. Don't worry momma everything will be ok. Some babies take a few hours to adjust. I was sad too I was scared but have faith. Everything will be good. Praying for you and your little one. 🙏🏻 God is good. @lalaloopsi
She still in their because she has low blood sugar...her breathing and high heart rate...i hope everything is good my room looks so sad an empty with out my lil one😔
Why is she in the NICU? I know my baby was in there too for being a preemie at 35 weeks but everything went great for her. She just had a little trouble with keeping her own temperature warm but she was able to manage on the second day.