jessica avila
jessica avila
Good morning pretty ladies! So I had a dog he was a yorkie mixed with chihuahua and when we moved close to my hubbys family we lived with his parents for atleast a little over a year while we looked for a place of our own and during that time he and his parents dog started to get along very well and now they go everywhere together and they cry when they don't see eachother and on top of that my MIL did the most shitty move ever she started to make him follow her more than my hubby and I so now he lives over there with my hubbys parents and for those of you who have pets you know that they aren't pets anymore they are like a part of your family so my hubby wants to make it up to me by getting me another dog but idk whats better if a golden retriever or a labrador? Cause my baby boy is only going to be 2 months old and I want a dog that is good with babies

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yeah, breed does not matter but temperment. if you go for an older dog, even a little over a year, you'll know more what you're in for.
28.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Honestly both are good dogs to have around babies. I would say if you can have an opportunity meet both breeds see which dog you click with. And then make sure you introduce them to baby and when you pick the dog up give it something of baby's to get it used to the smell
28.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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