15 weeks and having headaches- I've never had headaches before :( anybody else have to deal with this? Any good treatments? I'm diffusing lavender and peppermint right now and it's not touching it. I've drank plenty of water and I'm eating well.
Im so glad my physical therapist recommended the Headache Hammock. It releases muscles that hold bones that might be pinching my nerves. I havent had to go back to the PT since!
I'm a CNA/private caregiver..I have a history of migraines and headaches so that was the one thing that worried me most when pregnant. For me, if I hadn't eaten enough (or junk) I would get them, if I worked my body too hard, always lol, they'd come. I got to the point where I had to make sure I was drinking at least 75 oz of water a day, are well, rested throughout the day, and listen to when ur body needs a nap. Once that became my regular routine they stopped. I know a few foods like bananas became trigger foods for me. Keep trying different methods and you'll figure out what works best for you and baby:)
Lots of water and rest. Peppermint oil is great (be careful with use after baby because peppermint decreases milk supply!) but seeing the chiropractor was the only thing that worked for me when I had horrible headaches during my pregnancy.