Dallas Arp
Dallas Arp
Hi ladies, so I live in a rural town and the closest hospital is 25 minutes away...the closest hospital that I would actually feel acceptable giving birth in is almost 2 hours away!! What are thoughts about inducing labor due to this situation? I don't want to have my baby in the back of my Mazda... lol

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Thanks @mommyanddude, you just voiced all my concerns about inducing early! We've got a lot of thinking to do
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn't personally be induced for that reason, only because I've seen first hand where a girl got induced at 39 weeks, she didn't progress at all and they kept doing everything they could including breaking her water and still, no labor. so eventually they had to do an emergency c section and it turned out the baby was born premature. the mommas due date was off so she was nowhere near 39 weeks. she had a completely healthy pregnancy so after her gender scan they had no need to check the babies growth.
but if I were you and you do go into labor naturally I would go with how you're feeling. if you're feeling good, like you can make it 2 hours, go to the hospital you want. if you feel like it's a lot of pain or your water broke so you feel like you don't have time. go to the nearest hospital.
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Right! Okay I was thinking most women take hours from the time their water breaks before they give birth but it doesn't stop the worry when we know there's nothing for miles and miles once we pass hospital#1. I'll tell boyfriend to stop making me worry ;) @lilyandkaidynsmommy @xaviermom1221
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn't but I'm against inductions unless medically necessary. Like @xaviermom1221 said you definitely have time you just have to go right away. I left my house right when my water broke at like 7am and I didn't end up trying to push until 8pm so
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
My sister said you have time to make it. If you really want to deliver somewhere else that's far your gonna have to hit the road right when your water breaks, or your feeling contractions.. Labor most of the time takes a while so I'm sure you won't have baby in your car lol.
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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