4 months night 5 in the crib. any suggestions on how to get her to sleep through the night. she gets up between 12-1 for some bottle then again between 2-5 and again around 6 then up for awhile at 730. I'm exhausted and wondering how to break this awful sleep pattern

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I'll try that tonight @wyatts_mommy_0106
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Well since a bassinet is smaller than the crib try maybe putting a shirt that smells like you in or take a couple.of her blankets and roll them up and make a barracide to make her feel like she is in her bassinet again
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
she gets on nap between 9-10 and one between 1-2 and one between 4-5 most of the time they are at most 30 minutes and if she does longer then that she doesn't take the 4-5 nap and she gets the 1stage baby food mixed with rice cereal at 730 before bed she usually eats a whole container plus the cereal and then a few sips of the bottle to put her out at 8 815. she's very spoiled I'm a single mom and work 52 hours a week on the computer so a lot of the time she gets what she wants to keep her calm while I'm working. she use to sleep in the bassinet beside my bed and sleep all the way through till about 5 then eat a bottle and go right back to bed till 730-830 I think she just might be scared because the people above us make so much noise I wondering if she is walking up to them and then being scared she's not in her normal spot and if that's the case how do I make her more comfortable to sleeping in there @wyatts_mommy_0106
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
cut out her naps during the day or cut out bottles at night or u can do a rice bottle right before bed
25.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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