Rika Parkes
Rika Parkes
So I got my first postpartum period on the 20th, and I had my little guy 4.5 months ago. I'm surprised that I got it this soon, since I've been exclusively breastfeeding.
Anyway since I've gotten my period my milk supply has completely plummeted and I don't know what to do😩 I'm taking fenugreek but it's not doing much good. I've had to supplement with formula and it's really making me depressed. Anyone have any advice?? Thanks so much 💖

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It's totally normal for your supply to plummet during your period :( I had the exact same thing happen. Luckily it only lasted a couple of days and then it rebounded. Keep up on water, eat lots of oatmeal, mothers milk tea, etc. and nurse nurse nurse (or pump pump pump!) don't stop that will cause your supply to dip even lower.
24.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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