admitted fr premature labor. contractions were 3 minutes apart, 2 centimeters dilated. got the shot to stop them but only lasted an hour, they're back 😧 riyn lee is too excited to meet momma.
your welcome I was like that but when I was around that gestation then he heard all the food I wanted for thanksgiving and decided to stay in lolz maybe she will do the same
@secondtimemommy1215, thank yu! and 2 centimeterd. they got the contractions to stop fr s little bit they started again. haven't been checked recently.
@secondtimemommy1215, lol she's very stubborn, just like her sister that insisted on meeting momma at 33 weeks. what's scary is my hospital won't deliver her here unless she's 35 so it'll be an ambulance ride to another hospital if I dilate one more centimeter.