Advice to all new mummies: I know all baby's are different but I just wanted to write a little something that hopefully will help ladies who need it to. I'm a FTM so had zero experience in looking after a little one. My LO is now 9 weeks + 2 days & I can finally say things have got a lot easier. Here's my advice: always always ALWAYS go with mothers instinct... I knew my baby wasn't feeding well for a reason & it turned out he had tongue tie after apparently being checked. Sleep when you can. If you don't wear make up in the first couple of months then do not fret... It's normal. I still wear joggers 90% of the time to this day. Don't worry if you have days where you can't be bothered to go out... I seldom go out with my LO on my own mostly because of feeding is still an issue. Your body will not bounce back straight away so please please PLEASE do not get worked up about it. Some bodies do bounce back but mine didn't & I got really down about it for a good 4 weeks of Max's life. It meant that I wasn't enjoying watching my son grow but getting worked up about something that really didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. You will bleed for ages & sitting down will be painful for the first couple of weeks. The 4th trimester is the worst! Your babe will not sleep through the night straight away. You might have a couple of honeymoon nights where they sleep for ages but this goes when you take them home! I'm talking every 2/3 hours they will wake up! (Different if you're bottle feeding so I hear) I mean come on you'd be knocked for six if you had to squeeze through a vagina! 😂 But everything is worth while when you see your baby smile for the first time. You can do it ladies! We are incredible!

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thanks. well said. I wish you the best as a ftm. an more to come hopefully. I find it hard as I have 3 under 5's but I love them via. much.
20.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
@kellybear25, that's okay my dear! We are all here for reassurance! Xx
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
really could relate to this. thank you for this second time pregnancy reassurance :) xx
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
@bee1979, ahh thank you beautiful! I'm trying :) xx
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
awww got teary reading this.
You have come so far.
and a fab mummy. x
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
thank you =D @jade_17 xx
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
@may23, no worries lovely xx
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thanks for the advices, very helpful 😊👶🏻🍼
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
@zaralee71, good on you mummy! Well done for trusting yourself. You saved your little one! ❤️ xx
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
I totally agree with everything you just wrote! I am on my 3rd now. Mothers instinct really is the key! my son was born with heart disease and no one picked it up. I was constantly asking midwives and health visitors to check him and they fobbed me off and made me out to be a bad mum (he can't latch properly, he is too hot so he is sweating, all babies breath fast). I wasn't happy so I took him to the doctors and he was admitted to hospital the same day, a week later he was having heart surgery and I was being told I was a great mum for not listening and picking it up myself. it's really important that you listen to yourself, even if no one else will xx
19.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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