Yes they are. Please let me know if the belt helps. I have a belt as well to help take some of the pressure off but it really didn't help me. I pray it helps you👏🏻
Thank you @mariaspencer89 I just purchased the Prenatal Cradle belt online praying that it helps. In the meantime I'm trying to hang in there and stay strong. The last weeks of pregnancy is pretty rough.
I'm in the same boat as you and I know your pain. I'm so sorry your having so much pain. It will get better I promise! It will all be worth it in the end
@mariaspencer89, @just9monthsx3 Thanks for the advice ladies but it's so painful that heating pads and warm baths don't help anymore. I cannot walk without tearing up. And yes, I've been praying for an early delivery and to be put out of my misery lol!