New to this app! Hi everyone! I'm 11 months since my last depo injection and the husband and I have been considering a little one for a few months now. Hopefully some day soon! Was anyone here previously on depo?
@niki664, I'm a bit impatient too but trying not to have huge expectations. But this year I saw all the cute baby Halloween costumes and I was just like awwww I really hope we can have one before Halloween 2016. It's such a beautiful time of year, too. I've always been jealous of summer birthdays because I'm a middle of winter birthday, so I'd love that for my future kid. Trying not to be too picky though! lol
@krystal, Holy shit! I would die if that was my uniform. I would be wearing a pad.. eh make that two lol everyday just in case. You know know. haha That would just be devastating.
@t1mom, OMG right??!!! I just stared at the pad aisle like O____O what is even happening right now. I'm completely terrified every month too because my uniform at work is khaki pants. I just KNOW disaster is waiting at some point. I feel like a 13 year old again lmao
@krystal, LOL! I totally know the feeling. The month I came off of it, I got my period right away and had to go to the store for tampons or pads. I was SO CONFUSED! I just grabbed something and started walking away and my husband was all like "um babe, you grabbed adult diapers". Lmfao 😂 😂 I was so so so lost.
@t1mom, Wow, 8 years! I'm glad there is hope out there! I think I've been on it about 5-6 years now. I remember thinking pad and tampon brands look totally different now since the last time I had to buy them 😂
@ariellarochelle, That's not too bad! I've been off technically since April since my last injection was January, so I'm coming in on about 7 months off of it now.
@adorableavasmommy, I would really only recommend it if you are not planning to have any other kids within like 2-3 years. Getting off of it has been a nightmare. Pregnancy symptoms, cycles out of whack, just awful. But it was pretty nice not having periods for 5+ years while I was on it!
@augusttmermaidd, Wow, I'm sorry! It's so crazy how long it can take to get out of your system. I've had 2 normal cycles recently so hoping that is a good sign, but I really don't know what to expect. It's been almost a year in January since my last shot.
@augusttmermaidd, eeeek 😞 I hope it won't take that long! I've heard it can be a long process. At this point I'd never recommend that shot to anyone tbh.