@katiexx, im totally with you..this really got to me as that one post girl! we all know who she was clearly on about cos people agreed in her comments... the fact she got so many likes aswell is fuming coming from first time.mums they should understand....
There is no drama about it to be honest I couldn't give a shit I've not been involved in one drama on this thing but can't stand people be made to feel unwelcome which in my opinion is what happened !!!!!
And to be quite frank I have not commented or had any interaction with the girl so to make a statement that says that's exactly what you were on about seems completely ludacris!? I was not condoning that either girl was right or wrong, there is no argument to be had in my eyes because it wasn't directly aimed at anybody in my opinion!? Drama over nothing. But again that is my opinion, I am entitled to that as is everybody else entitled to theirs. Everybody can post what they want whenever they want, if it was nasty then of course that would be a completely different story.
@katiexx, what do you mean that was exactly what you was on about? I was simply stating that nothing that had been said was directed at her, it could have been anybody and that the problem was easily solved on either part... if the post asking about blocking people was infact about her in the first place? Let's be honest that was an assumption and assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. Nobody said anything nasty on any one of her posts as far as I could see or am aware of. It's just drama over nothing. Not one remark was made that wasn't unsupportive. @vic22 Your right you can't win, I just don't get it as nothing has actually been said!?
some people are just over sensitive.
from what I've heard she was taking a lot to heart. but at the end of the day if you don't want people's advice or opinions on stuff that you ask about, then don't have the app because that's what it's here for.
@vic22, I think it was about the one asking how to block because of the spamming. Either way it's drama over nothing. Block the user and move on surely!?!
To be fair if she was that offended by the one post that really could have implied that it was about anybody she could have just blocked the user and carried on doing what she was doing as nobody else was complaining. There really didn't need to be a drama to be honest, causing drama over nothing is childish enough.
I hear you. its just bitchy littlw children im surprised their mature enough to have q child really. what if that girl really needed us. so what if she spammed us with posts. its exitement in her system of corse she was exited. cant believe it poor girl :( x