Birth story:My lil sunshine 4 days old! So on tuesday, went to work like normal, got home cleaned and put baby stuff away as I'm about to go to sleep around 9pm I start having contractions which I thought nothing about because I'm a FTM and I just hurt everywhere. As I'm trying to sleep I keep getting these contractions so at 12pm I started timing them, they were coming every 6-7min, again didn't think nothing of it since I had an appt to see my doc thay same day. Finally at 7 am got out of bed and there was a lot of blood in my underwear, went to the birthing center turns out I was 9cm dialated and that this baby was coming in an hr! They rushed me into a room and at that time I'm 10cm and thought I was gonna die (those contractions are no joke!), luckily they let me have an epidural which I didn't get to keep because anesthesia put it in my blood vessel so they had to take it out. Luckily I had enough to not feel too much but not enough to NOT feel everything going on down there. After 20 min of pushing at 9:27am the love of my life greeted the world with his presence and I fall more in love with him everyday ♡♡♡