OMG OMG OMG .. My due date is right around the corner (Monday) but she is being sooooo stubborn .. I'm only dilated to a 1 so most likely this momma will be induced at 41weeks .... But I'm still so excited that I made it to my due date 😊😘😍
@babygirl1109, ohh okay! my bad but still it'll happen I know everyone says that but trust me when it happens you'll be soo happy! :) I'll be thinking of you!
Girl don't give up! I was in latent labor for 24 hours before I had my little man. Was in L&D the night before he was born for real hours, went to my dr stuck at 1 cm then went to the dr at 1030 am was still 1 cm.. then went to L&D at 2pm was 7 1/2! keep your head up and breath through the excruciating pain I know it sucks. good luck mama!